Xiglute Entretenimento


Canal de Entretenimento

Sparkster (U)

Visualizações: 1591
Comentários: 0
Localização: US
He's back, and he's one oppumped-up opposum! SPARKSTER is jet-packin' into action as the toughest Rocket Knight to ever swing a sword. Grab the controls and blast through 8 wild stages in your quest to rid the world of the evil King Gedol and his allies - a pack of lizards that are tougher than a suitcase! Oh yeah, and before you get too comfortable - Axel Gear is here. This Rocket-Knight-gone-bad has a score to settle with Sparkster. Our hero will need his revved-up new rocket pack and powerful new attack moves to kick Axel's tail back to the dark side of the planet.